Elon students are inspired to create ‘Humans of Elon University’

Reporting for the public good
Ben Driscoll and Mercedes

Ben Driscoll and Mercedes Kent

By Bridget Creel

Freshman students Mercedes Kent and Ben Driscoll created “Humans of Elon University,” inspired by the popular “Humans of New York,” to share the stories of the people in the Elon community.

“You always walk by people on campus and you never actually know what’s behind them, behind that face that you see all the time,” said Ben Driscoll. “And so you get to finally know a story, know them a little more.”

Similar to “Humans of New York,” Driscoll and Kent spend their time interviewing people on Elon’s campus throughout the week.

“It’s forced me to go outside my comfort zone in approaching people,” said Mercedes Kent. “I’m not the type of person to randomly talk to someone but you meet people and hear their story.”

For more information, check out the Humans of Elon University Facebook Page or the Humans of Elon University Instagram.

To see the full interview with Driscoll and Kent, watch the video below: